Sunday, July 22, 2012

Oh No, Don't Judge Me!

Lots of posts going around about "don't judge me.", hell judge me all you want. Just don't tell me about it. Nothing anyone thinks of me is ever going to be better or worse than what I am capable of thinking about myself given how much I know about me. Even when I care about what someone else thinks or feels it is because of how I think or feel about them, not some intrinsic desire to think and feel for every person who is capable of an opinion. Because of this I admire the company of dogs over the majority of humanity. Now before you respond having taken offense heed this reminder, offense is taken not given.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

One of the great things in life is that if you don't like the direction something is going you can change it. Today at work I was thinking about the many ways in which I could modify my life in order to achieve my goals far more expediently. 

I placed two quarters into the vending machine and hit the button to select Pepsi. I put my headphones on started blaring 'Needed Change ft 12th Planet - Skrillex'
Cracked the can and took my first cold sip. Every few feet as I walked to the Jeep I took another sip. Just as I reached the final door to exit the building I had finished my Pepsi. I yelled "done" as I cast the can in the garbage bin and made egress.

Now I am packing my things to move tomorrow. It is a good day.