Fishing for Rainbows
As the evening air began to cool and the sun slowly took its leave for the night, the beautiful sight of rippling waters marked each moment a rainbow would rise. With a rhythm recapitulating many earlier casts my tippet commenced forth upon the latest beacon of a rise. The Stimmy at the end of my line landed only inches away from the focus of my gaze; Sending out a signal of its own on impact, It was only a brief respite before the rainbow rose again, this time in pursuit of my fly. Aptitudinally my arm crested back stealing the slack from the line, lacking was the fighting tension I sought. Pleased with an evening well spent I hiked back to the Jeep wearing a grin.
As the evening air began to cool and the sun slowly took its leave for the night, a shiver crept over me; The sight of rippling waters seemingly mocking me each time a rainbow would rise. Once more I heaved forth another cast attempting to accost the taunting rise with my tippet; The 'Stimmy' at the end of my line landed lamentably distant from the focus of my gaze, Sending out a signal of its own on impact. a lifetime passed as my fly began to sink suddenly the rainbow rose again . Daftly my arm crested back stealing the slack from the line, 'too soon' I thought as I became increasingly aware there was no fight on my line. Disappointed I began the walk of shame back to the Jeep, cold and without a prize.
In writing both the positive and negative aspects of this paper, reinforced in my mind is that there are no real facts when it comes to the human element of observation. The positive portion could be used to convey to the audience that fly-fishing is an enjoyable experience even on the worst day out. Whereas the negative may lend impression that fishing is only worthwhile if you are successful. A great deal of the emotion available to the audience for interpretation is leant by the optimistic or pessimistic perspective of the writer. It is therefore important to apply narration which conveys the intended mood one wishes the audience to receive.
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