Tuesday, January 26, 2010


So late saturday night I obtained a concussion.
I don't remember falling, I don't remember talking to the ambulance employees,
and I don't remember getting in.
I do remember waking up midway to the hospital in the ambulance and screaming profanity
after profanity. I had no idea where I was or why I was there. As soon as I has run out of breath
once again I passed out.
I next awoke inside of a cat scan, I freaked out again screaming profanity's and questioning where I was, just as I started crying I once again passed out.
Inside of a room that to me resembled a white holding cell from star wars I awoke once more.
Looking around I saw two familiar faces, thankful to not be alone I felt that I was fine and tore all the cables from my chest and yelled "I'm getting the hell out of here!". I stood up to leave and once more passed out. Over the next few hours I remember nothing, eventually awakening in my friends home I began sobbing, sorry for having caused them so much trouble. I had been nothing but rude to everyone I had encountered the entire night after my accident, and the idea that I might have been just as rude to them tore at my soul. They assured me that I wasn't rude to them and that they loved and cared for me, I began to sob again apologizing for the burden I had become. The next day I went to my family Dr. and found that I have a ruptured eardrum and concussion. At present I'm deaf in my left ear, and as you can see writing fairly poorly. I'm currently on Lortab prescribed to me as well as experiencing waves of vertigo.
Yet the only thing I can really focus my thoughts on is how fortunate I am to have so many great friends and family who are willing to put their lives on hold to help me in a time of need. Thanks to all of you who are my friends, I don't feel I deserve the caliber of love I've received. If ever there come a time of need in any of you, my great friends, lives... don't hesitate one bit, I will do everything I can to help you. I love all of you so much, Thank you for being part of my life.


  1. Dallin I love you! That is beautiful!! You are a fabulous writer!! ~Tine~

  2. And tracie wanted me to post a comment from her too... "Dallin- you are the best and we love you" ~Tracie~ (lol)
